Todays Show: Guest #1 - Author and Entrepreneur Bill Merical shares his story and the struggles of writing his book and how he persevered to have a completed book, The Journey of Fallen Rock is a childrens story about family, the adventure of traveling coast to coast across this great land and the lesson that we all can enjoy our natural resources while we still protect and preserve them. Guest #2 - Jerry Manuel, former Major League Baseball player, coach, American League Manager of the Year (2000 Chicago White Sox) and World Series Champion (1997 Florida Marlins) joins us today. Nicknamed "The Sage" for his wisdom, discerning, insightful, and perceptive, character and personality. Today Neil Haley and GJ Reynolds discuss with Jerry Manuel what is required to coach and manage at a high level. Also Jerry discusses how it has been exciting to have an idea, implement the idea with action and create a significant cause into reality. He also discusses some of the struggles and how he has overcome them with the JMF and also how we are able to assist him in his cause. TO learn more, you are able to go to the JMF website: http://www.jerrymanuelfoundati
GJ Reynolds![]()
| Neil Haley![]()
| Jerry Manuel![]()
| Bill Merical![]()
| ViSalus![]()
GJ Reynolds