Sarah Plummer is hosting “JUST ROLL WITH IT BOOTCAMP” in San Diego, CA - Saturday December 1, 2012. Before reading the next get-happy-now book or trying the latest fad health plan or diet, attend this unique and outrageously inspirational one-day bootcamp which will equip you with the tools to start living happier, healthier, and more successful that very day. The corresponding Just Roll with It: Stop Comparing, Competing, and Self-Defeating book will also be released at the event. More information is available at . The boot camp explores the effects of stress, trauma, and grief on your mind, body, and spirit. Americans are overworked, overstressed, and unhealthy; soldiers are returning from war or leaving the service and then committing suicide at rates higher than combat deaths; and over 50% of our population is overmedicating for pain & depression. Participants will gain a greater understanding of how to make realistic yet unique changes that will reduce the stress, suffering, or depression in their lives. This Bootcamp will show people that once someone regains their sense of intuition about their own health and happiness, they will be empowered to discover their path to true success. Sarah emphasizes that you must be healthy in order to heal, and so the event is filled not only with inspiration but also with practical instruction to support attendees as they move forward in their life. Sarah is a former Marine Corps Intel Officer, certified Yoga Instructor, five-time U.S. Military Olympian, Holistic Health Coach, and keynote speaker is leading the JRWI bootcamp. Having been struck by lightning, hit by a car, battled PTSD, and survived Military Sexual Trauma, she can empathize with those who feel “stuck.”
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