Michelle Huntting will be interviewing Christina. Christina Lee works to educate shelters, rescues, breeders and deaf dog owners about how wonderful raising a deaf dog can be with consistent training and socialization. She is a full time blogger/writer who networks, promotes and lists deaf dogs available for adoption all over the United States. Christina is the founder of Deaf Dogs Rock a non-profit corporation she and her husband Chris Lee launched in 2011 after they adopted their first deaf boxer puppy Nitro. Their mission is to help deaf dog owners find information, training resources and bring together the deaf dog community to support and help each other. Christina and her deaf dog Nitro have been featured on ABC News, American Dog Magazine, Salem Times Dispatch, Roanoke Times and World News and many local magazines. In 2012 DeafDogsRock.com was awarded the highest honor in Salt Lake City Utah with the BlogPaws Nose-to-Nose Pet Blogging and Social Media Award for Best Cause Blog of 2012. Christina lives on a farm in Virginia with her husband Chris, her two deaf boxers, three hearing dogs and three horses. Sponsored by: Kenyon Canine Institute
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