Universal Sports & WBZ - CBS Bostons commentator for The Boston Marathon - Toni Reavis - joins The Thomas Loop for a candid interview at 10am - sharp. Reavis pedigree in the sport of athletics spans for decades. An excerpt from Toni Reavis site - http://tonireavis.com Boston, Ma. — When the two bombs tore through the jubilant crowds lining the finish line of today's 117 Boston Marathon at 2:50 p.m. it did more than halt the race in its tracks, leaving nearly 4500 runners between 40K and the finish unable to complete their Boston experience. It turned the world on its head.What had moments before been an ongoing celebration of the human spirit transformed instantly into a chaotic scene of horror. What had been moving testimony to the best in man became an indictment to the evil that festers in far too many hearts in far too many places for far too long a time. Now the roll call of communities which share the sad distinction of being targets of terror includes Boston, the cradle of American freedom. And, yes, it happened on Patriot's Day at that, a day commemorating what it means for a community to come together and say to the world ‘for this we will fight', ‘for this we will stand as one for all to see.' ----
| Boston Marathon ![]()
| Boston Marathon Tragedy ![]()
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| Toni Reavis ![]()