Bill Haley & the Comets sung the 1954 song SHAKE, RATTLE, and BOOM (oops) ROLL, and in the chorus it says, "you never do nothing to SAVE YOUR DOG-GONE SOUL"... Could that have been a prophetic song for these current times? It seems that God is doing a NEW THING IN THE LAND, as He opens up the Earth with GIANT SINKHOLES that are swallowing up Homes, Businesses, Roads, and even People, as in Florida. At Moses time, God Almighty caused SINKHOLES that swallowed up the SINFUL, REBELLIOUS FOLKS in the Camp who were lead by Dathan & Abiram! Moses called this terrifying phenomenon, a NEW THING THE LORD IS MAKING and we cant help but ask the question, is this same NEW THING HAPPENING AGAIN? We are witnessing unprecedented GIANT SINKHOLES all across America and now, here in my Home town area of Morristown Tennessee, we are experiencing an ongoing, repeating, occurence of LOUD BOOM NOISES followed by EARTH SHAKINGS that have been felt over a 3 month period, since January 21st, 2013. The local authorities still dont know what is causing this phenomenon and they have narrowed it down to either geological, KARST-related CAVE COLLAPSES/SINKHOLES or a possible, as yet, unknown, MAN-MADE EFFECT. On todays episode of Understanding the Final Endtimes, we will examine this local problem and just how widespread it has been in neighboring states. Could this all be some NEW THING THAT GOD IS DOING in these Last Days, just as He did for Moses in the wilderness? Lets talk about it on todays episode with Steve Siler, your Singing Bible Scribe...
Giant Sinkholes![]()
| Boom Noises![]()
| Loud Booms![]()
| Ground Shakings![]()
| Rattling Houses![]()
Giant Sinkholes