As always, the team at Afronerd Radio INSISTS on giving it to our audience straight with no chaser! This Wednesday at 7pm eastern, feel free to pull up a seat and listen to Dburt and Captain Kirk bring their unique analysis to the following topics: legendary (and eccentric?) basketball great, Dennis Rodman pays a visit to North Korea; a recent article from The Roots puts forth the question-Are poor Blacks screwed?; Dburt relays tales of childhood tribalism; the NRA has a new campaign engineered to appeal to minorities......maybe; racism rears its ugly head at Oberlin College; Is actor, Christian Bale really going to appear in a Justice league movie?...the folks at Latino Review think so and lastly, it time permits-Fox contributor and journalist, Juan Williams speaks candidly about Blacks that ostracize other African-Americans who dare to demonstrate independent thinking. Call the hosts live at 646-915-9620.
Dennis Rodman North korea politics![]()
| comic books video gaming technology![]()
| Afropunk Black Rock urban alt music![]()
| Chistian Bale JLA movie Oberlin![]()
| Black conservatism juan Williams poverty Fox![]()
Dennis Rodman North korea politics